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Drink Responsibly

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Drink Responsibly

Responsible alcohol consumption is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Moderation: Enjoy alcohol in moderation. Excessive drinking can have adverse effects on health and well-being. The Dutch Foundation for Responsible Alcohol Consumption recommends that women limit their alcohol intake to no more than two standard glasses of beer (25 cl) per day, while men can have up to two to three standard glasses.

  2. Personal Responsibility: The decision to drink alcohol is a matter of personal responsibility. Parents also play a crucial role in guiding their children’s alcohol consumption.

  3. Clear Guidelines: Clear guidelines exist for responsible alcohol consumption. Avoid alcohol when driving, working, playing sports, taking medication, or during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  4. Age Verification: Whisky Center ensures that its products are marketed exclusively to adults over the age of 18. Age verification is performed before packages are sent.

  5. Educating Young People: It’s important to educate young people and their parents about the risks of excessive alcohol consumption. Young bodies are less equipped to handle alcohol, and its effects can impair brain development.

Whisky Center actively promotes moderate alcohol consumption and discourages abuse. Together, we can create a healthier drinking culture. 🥂🌟